Thursday, August 29, 2013


Back to school! I've dreaded hearing that all summer long but now its time to hear it and accept it. What do I have for you today? Cool pencils that feature the Rugrats on them! So go back to school with cool pencils!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Gateway Computer

Today I purchased a computer off of Craigslist. I thought that would be a great topic for today's post. To talk about a Rugrats computer. In April of 2000 Nick and Gateway teamed up to release a computer. The computer with all the software cost $898 which is the cost of a Mac nowadays. The specs were 16 MB's of memory, 4.3 GB hard drive and a 15 inch screen. Here's an ad with the computer, software and information. Also included my computer!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Its always fun to build some puzzles on rainy days, right? Back in the 90's the Rugrats had their own puzzles. Some of these are almost non-existent, so it was tough to get pictures.